It has been nearly two years since Game of Thrones wrapped up filming. The controversial final season of the show left viewers divided into two groups, one...
Game of Thrones had some of the most incredible and shocking episodes, but the Red Wedding stands tall in a category of its own. Often described...
Many of the characters on Game of Thrones became fan-favourites, a lot of them didn’t make it to the final season. Arya Stark’s water dancing teacher...
The saga of Game of Thrones season 8 continues. It has been two years since HBO’s money-making mint wrapped up filming, but people can’t stop talking about it. After...
Working on a project as big as Game of Thrones is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The fame that comes with being part of something so big exceeds that...
Destiny often plays funny tricks on people. It has a strange way of manifesting itself. For example, Iwan Rheon, who played Ramsay Bolton on Game of...
There’s hardly any doubt that some props from Game of Thrones have turned into pop culture icons. The one that stands out amongst them is the iconic Iron Throne....
Game of Thrones touched the lives of various people, the fans, the cast, and the crew, in a variety of ways. For fans, it was an...
Game of Thrones has a long list of memorable characters, and since we know how infamous George R. R. Martin is for killing off fan favorites,...
Game of Thrones stars have been landing major roles in almost every big franchise ever since the show got hit. From Marvel to DC and other...