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A University in UK hosted the world’s first Game of Thrones themed academic conference



September 12th, 12:29pm July 20th, 2:19am Palash Volvoikar21. Goan. Full-time Geek. Failing in college while you fail in life. Staff writer at Wiki of Thrones.

Game of Thrones is not just a show, but a global phenomenon at this point. As such, it is no surprise that we have been seeing academic courses related to the show being offered by reputed universities. Recently, University of Hertfordshire, hosted a two day academic conference on Game of Thrones, with speakers from all over the globe. Read on!

The conference was held on 6th and 7th September. The conference was apparently two years in the works. Organizer Kim Akass talked to BBC News about the conference, and explained why they decided to have it :

“We decided that now – before it gets to the final season – it would be a good time to investigate why it’s such a huge phenomenon and what we can learn from it.”

Take a peek into the conference, in the video below :

Here are some of the sessions that were held at the conference :

Jon Snow vs Laura Roslin: The demise of democracy’s representation in “Game of Thrones”
Fan Theories and Aesthetic Consciousness: On Jon Snow’s death and resurrection
Legitimacy and being female: Character arcs and storyline convergence in Season 6 of “Game of Thrones”
“We’re going to need a bigger box of red crayons” — Adapting “Game of Thrones” for the adult colouring book market
From fantasy to reality: Representations of Northern Ireland and Ireland in media coverage of “Game of Thrones”
“Game of Thrones” and Journalism: The emergence of feminist collectives in Brazilian digital pop culture

Check out the full list of the events held, here. The conference discussed everything from death to fan theories, and had prominent speakers like Professor Martin Barker, from Aberystwyth University, Professor Anne Gjelsvik and Associate Professor Rikke Schubart. Tickets cost £75 for one day and £140 for the full event, and students had a discount. The conference also saw the launch of the George R.R. Martin Society.

We sure hope there’s another edition of this, because we know a few people who would love this take on Game of Thrones. What do you think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
