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Sophie Turner talks about Sansa finally learning to take a stand and much more – Wiki of Thrones



Sansa Stark who was just a stupid (I mean, who has a crush on Joffrey?) little dove is now turning into a wolf and the fandom is happy with this transition. Sophie Turner, the actress who portrays Sansa Stark on the show recently spoke to Los Angeles Times about Sansa’s transition and said that, “Definitely this season she’s sick of being a pawn in everyone else’s game. And finally she’s playing the game. Every time she goes somewhere with someone, it doesn’t work out. So just doing her own thing and trying to make people listen to her. It’s very much about her taking her own path.”

Sophie also talked about her scene with Littlefinger where she had to tell him all that Sansa has been through and said that, “It was very empowering. It was a big moment for her. It was kind of a moment where she’s voicing what everyone else is wanting her to say. [It’s] finally happening for her. It was a big thing for me, I think, because it was the first time that she’s really stood on her own and been true to herself and been unafraid to say what she wants and say what she means. It was a very big moment; very, very emotional.”

Its all true, Sansa is turning into a voice that cannot be ignored on the show and she knows how to talk to whom. But then the slip with Jon Snow where she pointed that Jon is not a Stark, what was that? Sophie also spoke about it, “She doesn’t tell Jon because — it’s difficult because she doesn’t have that Stark way about her anymore. She’s been broken down; she no longer feels like she can be completely honest with anyone, even her own family. Also she doesn’t want to tell Jon, I think, because she wants all the information and all the power in her court when it comes to Littlefinger. Because [with] Littlefinger she can kind of do whatever she wants with him now. He owes her big time and she wants the ball in her court. “

The ball is in Sansa’s court now and the audience cannot wait to see what happens next.


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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
