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Who is Bittersteel and will we see him in A Knight of Seven Kingdoms?

The founder of the Golden Company.



Credits: Marc Simonetti

Game of Thrones showed us the rivalry between Jon Snow and Ramsay Snow. House of the Dragon presents the clash of Daemon and Aemond Targaryen. Yet in George R.R. Martin’s Fire and Blood, another rivalry shaped Westeros: Bloodraven versus Bittersteel.

📜Quick Details:
Title: Ser, Captain-general
Also known as: Bittersteel
Born: 172 AC
Died: 241 AC, Disputed Lands
House: House Bracken, House Blackfyre
Culture: Rivermen
Allegiance: House Bracken, House Blackfyre, Second Sons, Golden Company
Father: Aegon IV Targaryen
Mother: Barba Bracken
Sibling(s): Brynden Rivers, Daemon Blackfyre, Shiera Seastar
Spouse(s): Calla Blackfyre
Played by: Not cast yet

Who was Bittersteel?


Credits: Amok

Aegor Rivers, known as Bittersteel, was King Aegon IV Targaryen’s son with Barba Bracken. He founded the Golden Company and supported the Blackfyre cause through multiple rebellions.

Quick facts

Show facts

• A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms takes place after the First Blackfyre Rebellion
• Bittersteel’s influence will feature prominently in Season 2
• No casting announcements have been made for Bittersteel yet

Book facts

• He had purple Targaryen eyes but black Bracken hair
• His personal sigil combined House Bracken’s stallion with House Blackfyre’s dragon
• He put out Bloodraven’s eye during their duel
• He founded the Golden Company in exile
• The Golden Company’s words reference his name: “Beneath the gold, the bitter steel”

In the show

The Golden Company

Credits: HBO

Expected appearance in A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms has not announced Bittersteel’s casting. Bloodraven’s appearance in House of the Dragon suggests expanded roles for both rivals. The show takes place after Daemon Blackfyre’s death in the First Rebellion. Bittersteel orchestrated the subsequent Blackfyre Rebellions from exile. His influence shapes the background of Dunk and Egg’s adventures.

The second season, based on The Sworn Sword, might feature his character more prominently. The first season adapts The Hedge Knight, where his presence remains in the background. His actions continue to affect Westeros through the Golden Company. The show might explore his relationship with Bloodraven through flashbacks. Their rivalry drove many political conflicts during that era. The casting of Bloodraven indicates the show’s interest in this complex relationship.

The adaptation could expand Bittersteel’s role beyond the books. His influence on the Blackfyre cause remains central to the story. The show might depict his strategic leadership of the Golden Company. His legacy affects events long after his physical absence. The adaptation could reveal new aspects of his character. His connection to House Bracken might receive more attention. The show could explore his relationship with Shiera Seastar.

The Golden Company in Game of Thrones

Davos suggests to Stannis that he should hire the Golden Company to win the Iron Throne. Stannis refuses, believing that sellswords are unfit for his army. Davos points out that Stannis is willing to use blood magic but refuses to pay men to fight for him.

Jorah Mormont warns Daenerys against trusting Daario Naharis because he is a sellsword. In response, Daenerys points out Jorah’s own history of fighting for the Golden Company before he swore loyalty to Viserys.

Cersei Lannister, after seizing the Iron Throne, meets with Tycho Nestoris from the Iron Bank. She tells him about her plan to take out a new loan to hire the Golden Company. Tycho approves of the loan, noting that it helped the bank collect overdue payments. Cersei later reveals that she has already hired the Golden Company and that Euron Greyjoy’s departure was a ruse. He was sent to bring the Golden Company to Westeros.

The Golden Company arrives in Westeros with 20,000 soldiers and 2,000 horses but without their war elephants. Harry Strickland, their captain, informs Cersei of this when they meet in the Red Keep. During the Battle of King’s Landing, the Golden Company is almost entirely destroyed. Caught off-guard by Drogon’s attack, they are overwhelmed by Daenerys’ forces. This marks the end of their role in the battle for the throne.

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In the books


Credits: Mike Hallstein

Early life and character

King Aegon IV Targaryen fathered Aegor Rivers with Lady Barba Bracken. His mother served as the king’s fifth mistress. Aegor inherited the Targaryen purple eyes but kept his mother’s black hair. He grew into a warrior’s build, combining height with lean strength. His temperament showed a tendency toward quick anger. Smiles rarely crossed his face throughout his life.

He developed a deep hatred for his half-brother, Brynden Rivers. This hatred stemmed from personal and family conflicts. Melissa Blackwood had replaced Barba Bracken in the king’s affections. This replacement led to Aegor’s exile from court. Prince Daeron and Prince Aemon made this decision. They sent Aegor and his mother to Stone Hedge. The Riverlands castle became his childhood home.

This exile fueled his growing resentment. His armor reflected his practical nature. Grey steel with black rings marked his battle gear. He created a unique personal coat of arms. It combined House Bracken’s red stallion with House Blackfyre’s black dragon. His helmet featured a distinctive horse head design. A flowing mane decorated the back of this helmet. The Great Bastards included him among their number. His relationships with his half-siblings shaped his future path. Daemon Blackfyre offered him a marriage alliance. Aegor encouraged Daemon’s claim to the throne in return.

Role in the First Blackfyre Rebellion

Bittersteel actively encouraged Daemon Blackfyre’s claim to the Iron Throne. He commanded forces during the Battle of the Redgrass Field. The battle marked a turning point in their rebellion. Bloodraven’s archers, the Raven’s Teeth, killed Daemon during the fight. Bittersteel prevented the rebel army’s collapse after Daemon’s death. He led a charge directly into the Raven’s Teeth’s arrow fire.

This charge brought him face-to-face with Bloodraven. Their legendary duel resulted in Bloodraven losing an eye. Despite this personal victory, the Blackfyre forces faced defeat. Bittersteel managed to escape the battlefield alive. He took the Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre with him. This sword symbolized Targaryen kingship.

He fled to Tyrosh with Daemon’s family. Rohanne of Tyrosh, Daemon’s widow, accompanied them. The surviving children found refuge in the Free City. This escape preserved the Blackfyre line for future rebellions. His actions during this rebellion established his reputation. The duel with Bloodraven became legendary. His rescue of Blackfyre preserved a powerful symbol. These events shaped the future of both houses.

The Golden Company years

Bittersteel joined the Second Sons after reaching Essos. He served with them for one year before creating the Golden Company. This new company united exiled Westerosi lords under one banner. The organization maintained unusually high standards for sellswords. They never broke a contract throughout their history. Their motto referenced their founder: “Beneath the gold, the bitter steel.”

The company participated in three subsequent Blackfyre Rebellions. Bittersteel refused to support Daemon II Blackfyre’s rebellion. He later backed Haegon I Blackfyre in the Third Blackfyre Rebellion. This campaign ended with his capture. The royal forces imprisoned him in the Red Keep. Bloodraven demanded his execution, but King Aerys I chose differently. The king sentenced him to join the Night’s Watch. Bittersteel escaped before reaching the Wall.

He returned to lead the Golden Company again. He crowned Daemon III Blackfyre and launched another rebellion. The Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion failed like its predecessors. Bittersteel escaped death once more. His final battle came in the Disputed Lands. He left specific instructions for after his death. The Golden Company preserved his skull, dipped in gold.


“Beneath the gold, the bitter steel” – Words of the Golden Company

Quick answers

Why was Bittersteel called Bittersteel?

His name combined his mother’s House Bracken heritage with his fierce, unforgiving nature.

What happened to Bittersteel’s skull?

The Golden Company boiled his flesh off, dipped his skull in gold, and carried it before them in battles.

Did Bittersteel ever rule Westeros?

No, despite leading multiple rebellions through the Golden Company, he never succeeded in taking the Iron Throne.

Why did Bittersteel hate Bloodraven?

Bloodraven’s mother replaced Bittersteel’s mother as King Aegon IV’s mistress, leading to personal and family rivalries.

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10/26/2024 07:27 am GMT
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Ved Prabhudesai is an avid enthusiast of all things pop culture. He has a special interest in the field of animation and art, with a background in Fine Arts and Digital Media Arts. He has begun his first into the field of Entertainment Journalism with Wiki of Thrones, and has been writing for them since 2023. He also has experience working as a screenplay writer, animator and comic book artist. His hobbies include holding discussions and organising events focused around pop culture, dissecting the importance of media in today's world. He began reading A Song Of Ice And Fire shortly before Game of Thrones debuted on HBO. He has followed the series religiously and has spent hours reading Wikis learning about Targaryen history and possible plot points we will see in the Winds of Winter.


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