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Full frontal nudity is Daenerys's thing or at least should be, on the show



Emilia Clarke has always been in the news because of how amazing she is, both in her personal and professional life. She recently appeared on the cover of Glamour magazine and discussed about her character, Daenerys Targaryen’s return on the show. The show is all set to be premiered in the US and worldwide on April 24th and we already cannot wait.

During the interview she said some very interesting and funny things, because she is that goofy in life. She was asked about how will she explore the storyline of Game of Thrones if she was writing it, to which she said that show definitely has the scope for some full frontal male eye candy. She said that, “I want to see Daenerys and her three dragons share the throne. Eat goat they’ve barbecued. And bring back all the pretty boys, get them to take their trousers down, and be like, ‘I’m now the queen of everything! I’d like close-ups of all the boys’ penises, please.

She jokes about how there is not enough male nudity on the show which she would clearly prefer.  “I’d like to bring your memory back to Mr Michiel Huisman and I copulating for the first time, which began with me saying, ‘Take off your clothes,’ and then you got to see his perfect bottom.” She mentioned this rare male nudity scene on game of thrones to show that the nudity part is not all one sided but there is definitely more scope of male nudity is what she implied.

When asked about why there wasn’t more of nudity from her in the later seasons of the show when she had exposed in the first two seasons, she legitimately replied that she wanted to be known for her work and not for her breasts.

Way to go, Emilia!

Daenerys TargaryenEmilia Clarke wiki-of-thrones-logo-white-bg-1-5448002 emilia-4359858

Game of Thrones actress Emilia Clarke is known for her liveliness and adventurous behaviour. The actress started a new chapter in life as she turned 34 on Friday, 23rd October. She celebrated her birthday in her own ‘Khaleesi’ way.

The Dragon Queen ruled the skies till now riding on her Dragons on the acclaimed TV show Game of Thrones. Though it was not real and was the result of amazing CGI and VFX work done by the crew, she looked majestic in each of the scenes.

Clarke, who played Queen of the Andals and Breaker of Chains Khaleesi Daenerys, took to the sky once again, this time for real. She jumped off an aeroplane to celebrate her 34th birthday in a spine-chilling way.

Emilia wrote her caption as, “What could match the profound existential terror of another birthday? Jumping out of a goddamn plane is what. #whosaysyoucanonlyflydragons? #freeeeeeeeeefaaaalllliiiinnnggggg #myfacialexpressionstellyouallyouneedtoknow #mymothermyhero #birthdaybluestakeapunch Thank you Hinton Sky Diving for the most exhilarating experience of my life!”

Clarke looked terrified and exhilarated in her post. The mother of the dragons proved once again just how brave she is even off the screen. The bold actress battled the after-effects of her brain surgery in secrecy, way back in 2012 while still shooting for the show. She felt exhausted throughout the second season, but she never gave up.

Feel free to send your best wishes to the highly talented actress in the comments below. Happy birthday Emilia!


The year 2020 has been the Red Wedding for everyone around the world. Looking at the current scenario, stepping out of quarantine seems to be a big risk. People are cautious and suspicious of each other, scared of contamination. Under such dire conditions, normal life sounds like a fantasy. Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner and husband Joe Jonas are trying hard to give their new-born daughter a normal life.

The young couple went out for a walk with their daughter Willa in Los Angeles on Wednesday. Turner was seen in a T-shirt and black leggings, while Jonas was rocking the buzzcut he dyed pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month while. They were pushing Willa in a black baby carriage.


Both the high-profile parents were keeping it low-key and were wearing properly secured black face masks. Since becoming parents in July 2020, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have been focusing more on their baby and less on sharing details of their private life.

Sophie earlier made headlines with an Instagram post, when she brought a prop from Game of Thrones set back home. She welcomed the wooden Throne of Winterfell at her home, which had an intricately carved dire-wolf on it.

Turner and Jonas are trying their best to be good parents for little Willa. Feel free to express your good wishes for their cute family in the comments below!


Every TV show or movie has that one person who lights up the screen on their entrance. Game of ThronesTormund Giantsbane, played by Kristopher Hivju, was one such character who’s loved by fans for his hilarious puns and looks worldwide.

Kristofer Hivju turned in heads on Instagram with a picture of his new look. Fans were shocked to see a beardless Tormund Giantsbane. Hivju had rocked the beard ever since he auditioned for the role. The beard was an essential part of his wildling look.

Earlier this year, Hivju was tested positive for Coronavirus. He has recovered quickly after spending weeks in quarantine with his wife. The Game of Thrones star is participating in the PCS Open, a Professional Disc Golf Association B tournament in Norway. He apparently shaved his beard ahead of the contest.

However, Kristofer has assured his fans that his beard is coming back soon. The head of Brienne of Tarth fan club is well-known for growing a lush beard rather quickly. When he first came to shoot for the show, it took only 4 months and 17 days for him to grow a full-red beard!

Hivju’s Tormund Giantsbane was one of the most loved characters in the TV series. What are your thoughts about his new look? Let us know in the comments below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
