Producer of Game of Thrones musical parody reveals what fans can expect

We can never really have enough of Game of Thrones, so while we wait for season 7 to finally appear magically on our screens, there’s something that can keep us excited and busy. The answer is Thrones! The Musical Parody of Game of Thrones is apparently going to be the exact opposite of our favourite dark fantasy show. If you haven’t heard of it, get your days planned because you certainly want to check this one out. After test runs in LA and at the 2015 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Thrones! is now in the middle of a run at Chicago’s Apollo Theater, with a national tour hopefully in the near future.
Fansite Winter Is Coming spoke to the executive producer of the musical Emily Dorezas about how the whole thing came up, actors and theme and all. And she was quite excited about the project, here’s what she said about the base of it all:
“There’s a bunch of friends getting together to watch the season finale of Game of Thrones…and then it’s revealed that one of the friends admits, ‘Guys, I’ve actually never seen an episode of Game of Thrones‘…and after they get over the shock of that, they say, ‘Well, there’s only one way to catch you up, and that is to act it out,’ so these friends act out all six seasons of Game of Thrones.”
The show features around six actors performing over 40 roles. It sports 21 original songs, including “Stabbin’” (about the Red Wedding), “F*$k Everyone Who Isn’t Us” (with Jamie and Cersei), “These Are All the Names” (wherein the cast lists all names in the series), “You Know Nothing” (featuring Jon Snow and Ygritte), and “The Ending That We Want.”
Dorezas also revealed how it’s not very easy when creating a musical parody of such a popular show.
“When you’re doing a parody, you kind of open yourself up to, like, well, ‘Are you gonna take it seriously?’ And the songs we really wanted to present in the most, like, beautiful way, so vocally we really wanted to meet that, but the show is very fast and it’s obviously comedic, so we really had to try and find both elements. And on top of that, some of the parts we really also wanted an impression of the characters in Game of Thrones…Y’know, like a rough kind of vague idea of, like, an emo Jon Snow, or, like, y’know, a Jorah that sounds like Jorah,” she said.
She later said that even those who hadn’t watched Game of Thrones can watch the musical, but one should be aware of the amount of spoilers. She confirmed that some of the obvious things will be mocked and called out on, so fans should be open to that.
“So it’s kind of like, we know when there were moments in the show that deserve some reverence, and we also are like, ‘Nothing changed. Jon Snow just wears a ponytail now…He just died and now he has a ponytail? That’s supposed to be the big difference? So, like, there are things like that that will be called out, little details that we all notice that come when we’re watching the show or that we thought when reading the books,” she said.
Thrones! will run at the Apollo Theater in Chicago through November 13, 2016.Head here for ticket info. There will also be a national tour in early 2017, so if you aren’t in the area now, there’s still a lot to look out for!