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John Bradley teases a Sam and Bran partnership for Game of Thrones Season 8



Game of Thrones has been a show that has always had great chemistry between its characters on the screen. Over the years, we’ve seen some great partnerships, and at the end of Season 7 we witnessed the beginning of a new one : Bran Stark, a.k.a. The Three-Eyed Raven, and Samwell Tarly. In a recent interview with TV Guide surrounding the Season 7 DVD/Blu-ray release, John Bradley, who plays the role of Samwell Tarly on Game of Thrones talked about how this is a formidable partnership, and hinted at future prospects for Season 8. Read on!


As Season 7 closed down on the end, we saw Samwell Tarly and Bran Stark meet anew, and sparks obviously flew. They hit a conclusion about Jon Snow‘s parentage, and their next move will probably have something to do with having to deal with this bit. Speaking of the instant rapport between the characters, Bradley said :

“What I think links those two characters is that they’re both characters who are in possession of abilities and skills that nobody else has.”

He continued :

“Between them, they’re such a formidable team because, okay, they can’t fight between them, they don’t have much physical power between them, but both of their set of skills are so unique. Sam’s penchant for absorbing knowledge and absorbing academia and his wish to apply that for the greater good combined with Bran’s visions and supernatural skills means that between the two of them, it is a real recipe for success.”

John was then asked what he thinks about the pair for Season 8. He replied :

“Don’t write them off as a partnership because between them, they can use their own and each others’ skills to really shake the place up a bit as we go forward.”

Now, the team definitely makes sense, with Bran being all knowing , and Sam being the curious one who wants to learn everything. Looking forward to seeing the two together in Game of Thrones Season 8? Tell us in the comments, down below !

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
