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Game of Thrones star Hafthor Bjornsson (The Mountain) deadlifts 1104 lb (501 kg) to set new world record



The Game of Thrones cast is a huge ensemble. Within that group, we have such talented people that it’s hard to keep a track of the constantly rising peaks of their achievements. Hafthor Bjornsson, who played The Mountain (Ser Gregor Clegane) on Game of Thrones is also a professional strongman (strength athlete) along with being an actor. And the strong guy has been breaking many records lately. The latest has come in the form of a world record when Hafthor deadlifted 1104 lbs. (501 kg) at his gym, Thor’s Power Gym in Iceland. The sports network, ESPN streamed the event live. Read on!

.@ThorBjornsson_ HAS DONE IT!

He just deadlifted 1,104 pounds, setting a new world record ?? #TheOcho

— ESPN (@espn) May 2, 2020

Hafthor became the first man to deadlift over 500 kg breaking the world record of the former English strongman, Eddie Hall. Eddie had set the world record by deadlifting 500 kg in 2016. He went on to win the World’s Strongest Man competition in 2017; a feat that Hafthor achieved in 2018. In fact, Hafthor is the first person who won three major strongman events in the same calendar year; Arnold Strongman Classic, Europe’s Strongest Man, and World’s Strongest Man in 2018. Moreover, he has won the Arnold Strongman Classic consecutively for three years, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

The 31-year-old Icelandic performer lifted the barbell holding a combined weight of 501 kg amidst screaming cheers from his supporters. He held the weight at the level of his hips, with the torso perpendicular to the ground under strongman rules for nearly two seconds, and shrieked a loud cry of victory after he let it go. The event was timed and refereed by fellow Icelander and former strongman, Magnus Ver Magnusson.

This was not a regular task by any measure. But then, you don’t see a moving Mountain every day. Bjornsson is massive at 6 feet 9 inches and 452 lbs. (205 kg). He played the mighty Mountain on Game of Thrones through seasons four to eight. His duel with the Hound in the much-anticipated Clegane Bowl was one of the highlights of the final season. Plus, who can forget the trial by combat with The Viper (Oberyn Martell)!

On the personal front, Hafthor and his wife, Kelsey are expecting their first child. We wish him and his family more success, happiness, and health.

So what do you guys think about The Mountain’s feat? Talk to us in the comments.

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
