Game of Thrones’ Diana Rigg's son-in-law reveals her computer’s X-Rated Password!

The year 2020 was a Red Wedding year for all of humanity. The earth lost one of its brightest stars, Diana Rigg, not too long ago. Her warm light still shines upon our memories serving as an inspiration. Diana was famous for her witty and fun-loving nature. In a recent interview with, The Daily Star, Her son-in-law, Elbow frontman Guy Garvey, talked about her brilliant sense of humour.
He revealed Dame Diana Rigg used an X-rated log-in for her computer. He said the late Game of Thrones star’s password was simply: “F*** off.”
Guy, who is married to Dame Diana’s daughter Rachael, said they made the discovery when they used the same IT expert. He recalled: “He said, “I was sorry to hear about Diana.” He said that he’d been round and said, “I need your password, is that OK?”
“And she just went, “I’ve forgotten it.” So he made visible her last attempts to show the password and it said ‘F*** off’.”
“He said, “Oh right is this it, all one case?” And she went, “You’re right, there’s a capital F.” He changed it and her Sainsbury’s account opened – and there were three bottles of Prosecco. And she said, “I like Prosecco.” That was her order.”
What was your favourite Diana Rigg moment on Game of Thrones? Talk to us in the comments below!
Fans of George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire have been waiting a long time for his next book, The Winds of Winter. The last A Song of Ice and Fire book hit store shelves in 2011, a full decade ago. Although he updates his fans now and then, the fans are really annoyed as he is taking too long to finish. And the list of angry fans has even expanded to include some famous literary figures. Horror icon Stephen King is nervous he’ll never get to make that return trip to Westeros, as he told fellow author Neil Gaiman in 2012.
Gaiman himself shared this story in his foreword to the illustrated edition of A Storm of Swords, which came out last year. Redditor DsjgOriginal kindly shared the hilarious section for all to enjoy.
The excerpt shows a dialogue between the two literary legends. It ends up with Stephen worrying about the same thing as a lot of A Song of Ice and Fire fans:
“Stephen King: “Hey, Neil. Can I ask you something?”
Neil Gaiman: “Of course.”
King: “You know George R.R. Martin, don’t you? Personally?”
Gaiman: “Yes. We’ve been friends for years now.”
King: “I’d put it off for years, but I started reading A Game of Thrones and now I’m hooked on the books and…what kind of health is he in? I mean, do you think he’s likely to finish them? Before he dies?”
Gaiman: “He’s in good health. He’s going to finish them.”
King: “That’s good to hear. I have to find out how he’s going to finish this story.”
When do you think the book will be finished? Tell us in the comments below!
Fantasy is the result of the creative use of one’s imagination. Many great shows today are a result of that, including Game of Thrones. Imagination can often lead people towards curious findings, something they weren’t hoping to see, but find out anyway. One such curious Redditor, KingBaboon97, set out to create a photorealistic image of George Washington if he lived in the present day. And the results were highly astonishing. The first president of the United States bears a striking resemblance with Game of Thrones actor Charles Dance. And many are comparing him to Tywin Lannister.
Photography didn’t exist during the lifetime of General George Washington. But portraiture existed, so most Americans have an idea of what the guy looked like. However, curious minds like the Redditor mentioned above wanted to find out how he’d look in real life. So they went a step further and created a photorealistic image of the first US president.
George Washington or Tywin Lannister? https://t.co/FJqguBHt5M pic.twitter.com/S9yGQPLq7d
— GameofThrones Quotes (@ASOIAFQuotesGOT) May 4, 2021
Two other Redditors werejustriffingpaul and TheHongKOngadian rewrote ‘The Rains of Castamere’ to make it fit this milieu:
“And who are you, the British lord said, that I must make tea cheap
You’re only some Yanks who have boarded our boat, and bleat about tax like sheep
In coat of blue, or coat of red, a soldier still fights wars
And out bayonets are sharp, Yankee, as long and sharp as yours
And so he spoke, and so he spoke
The Lord of Delaware
But now the snows fall down on Trenton, with no Hessians to hear
Yea, now the snows fall down on Trenton, with not a Hessian to hear…”
Game of Thrones fans have showcased their amazing creativity on various platforms before, including games like Minecraft. What do you think of the above recreation? Tell us in the comments below!
The Iron Anniversary month is coming to an end. Fans relived their favourite moments from the fantasy epic during the Marathrone held during the celebrations. A decade of Game of Thrones brought back sweet memories from behind the screen, and several cast members were happy to share. One of the show’s extras, Andrew McClay, played a number of soldiers throughout the series. He shared firsthand accounts of various funny moments that happened on set, one of them involving actor Pilou Asbaek.
Pilou Asbaek is best known for playing Euron Greyjoy on Game of Thrones. McClay recalled a funny incident about him in an interview with the Irish Mirror, “There was another great moment when we arrived at the Linen Mill Studios in Down. We were shooting inside the studio on the boat. It was the big naval battle sequence between Yara, Theon and Euron. I arrive and see Pilou (Euron Greyjoy) standing up at the front of the boat and he’s screaming for about 30 seconds before we even hear the word ‘action!’
“We were all watching him and he’s just up there going crazy! Then when you see him walking around the studio in normal clothes, he’s still a wild man but he’s got a handshake and a smile for everyone. He’s just a man that loves having fun and he’s such a lovely guy.”
What do you think of Pilou Asbaek’s fun side? Talk to us in the comments below!