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Game of Thrones' 'Battle of the Bastards' will be the biggest battle to be staged in TV history



Game of Thrones has had a history of battle depictions on screen that we’ve all found absolutely splendid to watch, be it the battle at Blackwater or the one at the Wall. Every year, Game of Thrones does at least a few things (if not more) that leave the viewers spellbound, and season 6 is no different. The upcoming episode of Game of Thrones titled ‘Battle of the Bastards’ is going to be every bit as ground-breaking as we think it is. We don’t know much about the last two episodes but what we do know is that Game of Thrones will, once again, depict a battle of such intensity that it’ll leave a lasting impression on the fans. We’d expect nothing less.

And it’s not just speculation, but the showrunners and the producer themselves have revealed that episode 9 of season 6 is going to showcase a phenomenal battle. Bryan Cogman, writer and producer of the show, spoke to Entertainment Weekly, about it and said, “It’s definitely the biggest [action sequence yet]. We’ve always wanted to get to a place – story-wise and budget-wise and time-wise and resource-wise – where we would be able to do a proper battle, with one army on one side, one army on another side.”

Other shows that depicted battles have been in fierce competition with Game of Thrones, but our favourite show is about to set a standard that none other has done so far. It seems that the filming of the battle involved more of the physical stuff much as it could be shown, and the rest was done through CGI. But the very fact that there is more truth to what we see on screen is enough explanation of how much effort went into preparing this outstanding sequence, and that the showrunners are keen on having a realistic battle episode to give the viewers something to talk about.

“Hundreds of human soldiers on one side of a field, another army on the other side, and then there is a clash that is highly tactical, yet character-driven, and shown from start to finish – a ‘proper battle,’” is what Cogman said while discussing the episode.

This does nothing but increase our excitement and anticipation for the next episode, and we hope that it’ll be just as amazing as the promo released on Youtube by HBO (deliberately brief though it may be) revealed.

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
