Even Peter Dinklage agrees that the Winterfell Crypts plan was a terrible idea

In hindsight, it was the mother of all bad ideas. The Army of the Living chose to put the women, children, and non-fighters in the Winterfell crypts to keep them from harm’s way. The only glitch in the plan? Crypts are full of dead people ready to be resurrected by the Night King. Fans have been thinking this, We have been thinking this, and now Peter Dinklage seems to have been thinking this as well.
In a behind-the-scenes video published by HBO, Peter Dinklage seems very baffled at this crucial weak link in Winterfell’s battle plans. In his words,
“We’re in a crypt. Nobody thought of that. [the Night King] is bringing all the dead people back to life, and they put the women and children in a crypt with all the dead people, so…Arrgh!”
And that’s exactly what happened. When the Night King slowly raised his hands, all we could think of was all the dead bodies surrounding Jon Snow coming back to life. But a similar horror had already started playing out down in the crypt. One by one the dead Starks broke free of their stone sarcophagus and attacked the unarmed women and children in their supposed ‘safe’ haven. Dinklage brings out the dramatic potential of it:
“There’s this epic battle going on upstairs, and the genuine horror movie down below in the crypt.”
While that made for great drama, the logical loophole is glaringly visible (not the only one in the admittedly thrilling episode 3). The Starks have always buried their dead, and it is extremely unlikely that no one in the Northern leadership thought of that.
Some fans have argued that the crypts were still relatively safer. The number of dead people in there is finite, and most of them are dust by now. But would it not have made better sense to put some armed guards there? Sansa seemed to have the only Dragonglass weapon in the vicinity, that too only because Arya insisted.
What do you think of the crypt scene? Tell us in the comments.
Game of Thrones TV series ended more than a year ago. The final season of the show divided the fan-base into two. One loved it, the other wanted something more. Hardcore fans are still waiting for the next book of the series, The Winds of Winter.
Game of Thrones writer George R. R. Martin recently updated fans about his progress on the upcoming book. He noticed a sudden spike in the number of viewers on his blog Not a Blog, and joked, “Sometimes I do get the feeling that most of you reading my posts here care more about what is happening in Westeros than what is happening in the United States.”
He further wrote, “So let me assure you that, when not sweating out election returns or brooding over other real-world problems, I have continued to work on THE WINDS OF WINTER.
No, sorry, still not done, but I do inch closer. It is a big book. I try not to dwell on that too much. I write a chapter at a time, a page-at-a-time, a sentence at-a-time, a word at-a-time. It is the only way. And sometimes I rewrite.”
Martin explained he has been spending a lot of time with the Lannisters. Cersei and Tyrion in particular. He has also visited Dorne and the Old Town in his book. He is currently writing new chapters, revisiting and tweaking old ones as well.
George wrote, “None of this is even remotely new. It is how the first five books were written.”
The Game of Thrones author is slowly picking up speed. He once gave an example of how the books will be different from the show. Are you excited for The Winds of Winter? Talk to us in the comments below!
Game of Thrones ended more than a year ago. The popularity and success of the show have left fans worldwide wanting for more. HBO has already teased the fans with the announcement of Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon. Moreover, the television network has added to the hype by adding Paddy Considine to the show’s cast as King Viserys. Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin is really happy with the show’s progress. Martin wrote on his blog Not a Blog :
“Well, aside from COVID-19 slowing everything down, we are making great progress on the HBO prequel HOUSE OF THE DRAGON. Ryan and Miguel are in London, casting has begun, it is all looking very exciting.”
He also talked about his other projects, “I wish I could say that things are also going great on all the other television and film projects I am involved with, either as a producer or as the author of the original source material (i.e. novels and short stories). I can’t. Very little shooting is taking place, and almost nothing is being greenlit. Of course, development continues… but there’s a reason they call it “development hell.” Sigh.
So that’s where all that stands. Or at least, that’s as much as I am allowed to tell you right now. Hang in there, friends.”
The great strides in the progress of the much-awaited series are welcome news for all the fans worldwide. Are you excited for the House of The Dragon? Tell us in the comments below!
The political drama in the US Presidential election was no less than the hustle for the Iron Throne on the Game of Thrones. The twists and turns were similar to the epic fantasy, that ended with Joe Biden’s victory. Biden gave his first speech as the new US President on the night of 7th of November. The speech was very well received by the general public.
Game of Thrones writer George R.R. Martin welcomed Biden’s win through his blog Not a Blog. He lauded the new President’s speech with heaps of praises. He wrote:
“Joe Biden gave a marvellous speech tonight: eloquent, uplifting, stirring, a speech that spoke to all that is best in America, to our hopes and dreams rather than our fears. Time will tell what kind of president he will be, but everything about the campaign he waged confirms the fact that this is a good, decent, and intelligent man.
It brought to my mind the classic Democratic hymn that was FDR’s campaign song, and later used by JFK, LBJ, and many others.”
Game of Thrones cast has often expressed their dislike for the former US President Donald Trump. Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) even raised a toast to Biden’s victory, mocking Trump at the same time.
What do you think of the US Presidential election? Talk to us in the comments below!
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