Game of Thrones is a show that is intense at times, and it has its set of emotionally harrowing scenes throughout the show. The show has...
The year 2021 has been an exceptional one for Game of Thrones fans all over the world. The show ended about two years ago, and HBO...
Game of Thrones achieved great success and popularity in the past decade. The show set the bar for television series in terms of its story, scenery,...
Every Marvel fan remembers the post-credit scene of the first Avengers movie, where Iron Man takes all the heroes to his favourite shawarma shop. While the...
It is said that you are at your best when you’re doing something you love. The job becomes even better when you’re inspired by someone you...
We have seen several protective mothers on-screen over the years, but very few come close to Lysa Arryn from Game of Thrones. After losing her husband,...
The year 2020 was a Red Wedding year for all of humanity. The earth lost one of its brightest stars, Diana Rigg, not too long ago....
Some actors are so good at portraying a character that we end up thinking they’re born for this role. When you think of the character, that...
‘Friends’ has been one of the greatest accomplishments of the television industry. No matter your age, your generation, it always happens to find its place deep...
Game of Thrones had a long list of lost/underused characters. Fans have often wondered what happened to them, as the books aren’t complete yet. One of...