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Hackers hold HBO to ransom with leaked e-mails and episode descriptions



Game of Thrones is without doubt, one of the biggest shows on the planet, and as such it is no surprise that it is one of the most pirated as well. Now we know that there have been quite a few episode leaks before, the biggest one being the one where four Season 5 episodes were leaked before the Season kicked off. However, as you all might have heard by now, HBO is now facing a much bigger leak. Last week we heard about a massive leak that HBO has been subject to, and one which apparently took over 1.5 TB of data. In a new update about the same leak, the hackers are now threatening HBO saying they will release the e-mails of an executive that they managed to get their hands onto, and the detailed descriptions of future episodes of Game of Thrones Season 7. Read on!

A new report by The Hollywood Reporter says that they got an e-mail from the hackers recently, which gave them a publicly accessible link with some files from the leak, with names like “Confidential” and “Script GOT7.” They have apparently also sent a video letter to HBO CEO Richard Plepler, which rolls out as a scroll, with ‘ominous’ music at the back, demanding money. They claim that they have made millions of dollars, and that HBO is their 17th target, only three out of which, have not paid them off.

THR didn’t reveal the exact information from the leak e-mail, but they say that it has “marketing spreadsheets and media plans for the hit series.” Now, even though this leak may show some e-mails to be leaked, but there is no evidence to back the claim of these hackers about how big the leak is. The folder labeled confidential apparently carried screenshot of files showing casting, script summaries, and marketing information, and includes a full summary of the next episode of the show.

An HBO spokesperson talked to THR, giving an official statement that reads as below :

“HBO believed that further leaks might emerge from this cyber incident when we confirmed it last week. As we said, the forensic review is ongoing. While it has been reported that a number of emails have been made public, the review to date has not given us a reason to believe that our e-mail system as a whole has been compromised.

We continue to work around the clock with outside cybersecurity firms and law enforcement to resolve the incident. Meanwhile, our dedicated employees continue to focus on delivering the high quality of entertainment and service for which we are known.”

Watch the ransom video that the hackers sent to HBO below:

What do you think of this leak? Should HBO just give in and prevent further leaks, or should they try to fight it? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
