Game of Thrones during its entire run consisted of many memorable and iconic characters. The character of the giant, Mag the Mighty was one such feature...
Fandom knows no bounds. Besides the regular people, celebrities too, are in awe of other celebrities. And they show no restraint in expressing their love for...
Game of Thrones stars are rocking it in Hollywood now, and Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) is all about that X-Men life. As the release of her...
The impact of great art has always been significant. It’s not limited to any specific geographical region or historical time; rather it transcends all known barriers...
Hollywood has been rife with petitions lately, with the fans going to the Internet to ask for things, a lot. The latest petition involved our favourite...
George R. R. Martin has worn many hats in his glorious life. Not only has he helped create one of the greatest TV shows of all...
Maisie Williams is on fire these days. Ever since the Game of Thrones ended its run last year, Williams has signed one project after another. The...
When we saw dragons on Game of Thrones, we didn’t believe they could be real enough to fly in flesh and bones; just like most characters...
The constant buzz around Game of Thrones since its inception has meant more eyeballs and immense scrutiny. It has also brought upon the same attention to...
Game of Thrones stars are really shining out there, moving on to some really big projects. While the Stark brothers are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe...