The most recent installment of House of the Dragon lived up to the gory reputation of its predecessor. The War for the Stepstones lasted nine years...
In the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen is one of several gray figures. There are various redeeming characteristics in Emma...
The first season of House of the Dragon did an excellent job of distilling everything we’ve come to love about the Game of Thrones series. Dragons,...
The House of The Dragon Season 1 finale has left us at the brink of a full-fledged civil war with the now-adult characters, owing to multiple...
Since the beginning of the Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon, people have been speculating about a potential love affair between Rhaenyra Targaryen...
George R.R. Martin’s “The Winds of Winter” has been in the works since at least 2010, and fans have been eagerly anticipating its release ever since....
George R.R. Martin, author of A Song of Ice and Fire, and father of Game of Thrones, is infamous for how many characters he kills. No...
The wait for The Winds of Winter is long, and it’s only getting longer. Author George R.R. Martin has confirmed that it’s 75% done, but we...
We are inching toward the release of George R.R. Martin’s sixth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, although at a snail’s pace...
Helaena Targaryen is one of the only characters from House of the Dragon whose existence has kept the audience from being split into teams. Even among...