HBO’s Iron Anniversary celebrations are currently underway on account of a decade of Game of Thrones. The month-long celebrations will include various events and specials related...
The year 2020 was a Red Wedding for humanity. In times like these, we often wish for a superhero to have existed in reality. Even though...
Building a house is always on the list of dreams one wants to accomplish during one’s lifetime. However, it would be awful if your dream slides...
Very often we hear motivational speakers talk about being different, and how that is an asset. However, most of the time people who are different don’t...
Conversational skills, though underrated, are one of the rarest skills few talented folks possess. At schools, we’re taught how to hold actual conversations, but we often...
Game of Thrones ended nearly two years ago. The fantasy series set the bar for quality TV shows really high. Game of Thrones springboarded the television...
Filming for a show is not an easy task. The production often runs into problems that delays filming for days. Game of Thrones prequel House of...
Game of Thrones had plenty of social messages hidden in plain sight. Though it may not be too obvious, it was a representation of our own...
We are living in the 21st century, and with all the technological advancements humanity has witnessed we still can’t guarantee the safety of the other half...
Politics and scandals go hand-in-hand. Be it real-life or fictional, there are so many examples one might get tired of counting. One of the main reasons...