Game of Thrones was famous for portraying complex relationships between various characters from George R. R. Martin’s novels, but few were as iconic as the famous...
Game of Thrones was a life-changing experience for both the fans and the cast of the show. Many of the stars have moved onto new projects ever...
Game of Thrones has a long list of memorable characters, and since we know how infamous George R. R. Martin is for killing off fan favorites, some lucky ones...
Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin is one of the most accomplished writers of recent times. The success of the TV adaptation of his novels increased his...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is moving fast with its production, and we can expect a spring release in 2022. Most of the main characters have...
We finally have the first footage from the upcoming Game of Thrones prequel, House of the Dragon. The teaser was released by HBO at the end...
Actress Elizabeth Olsen is best known for her superhero character Wanda Maximoff a.k.a the Scarlett Witch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. She has become a household...
The fiercest warriors leave a lasting presence to those who have witnessed them in a fight. Lots of fans look up to them as their idol,...
When you are recognized for your hard work and dedication, it’s like a dream come true. Zack Snyder is known as one of the most hard-working...
Some actors in Hollywood are famous for their macho style. Jason Momoa has made a name for himself in that category, in each of his roles....