Every show needs a menacing presence to ignite fear and despair in viewers’ minds. Similar to Joffrey Baratheon and Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones, there’s...
In Game of Thrones, we are introduced to the cruel Mad King who wreaked havoc across Westeros. Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark join forces to dethrone...
If Daenerys carried the torch for empowered female leaders in Game of Thrones, it was her sixth great-grandmother Rhaenyra Targaryen who paved the path for her....
House of the Dragons gives fans a glimpse into the mighty Targaryen dynasty that conquered the Seven Kingdoms. Having ruled Westors for decades, they have a...
Game of Thrones teased viewers with its limited dragon appearance potential. The prequel series House of the Dragon satisfied viewers with a glimpse into the mighty...
Jon Snow is a character whose journey fans closely followed for the entirety of the show Game of Thrones. The supposed bastard son of Ned Stark,...