Game of Thrones showcased some of the finest warriors in fantastical television history. Out of all the warriors on the show, Ser Gregor Clegane (The Mountain)...
Artists who have worked for a show have often admitted to feelings of attachment to the set. No matter how professional you are, when you’ve worked...
We have a tendency to idolize our role-models. Very often these role-models take the shape of our favourite celebrities. Game of Thrones’ Emilia Clarke is a...
Every artist who is involved in the performing industry has a dream role or a dream project they desire to work on. Game of Thrones was...
Forests are known to be the lungs of the planet earth. Most of the oxygen produced that is necessary to maintain life on earth is from...
The world is trying to get back on its feet after the events of the Red Wedding year 2020. The hopes are very high with the...
The year 2021 has been a particularly exciting one for television fanatics all over the world. The pandemic brought most of the industries to a standstill,...
Mental health is often an overlooked aspect of today’s fast-paced life. It is often hard for people to open up about mental issues. Truth be told,...
The Red Wedding year 2020 took a toll on our everyday life. It diminished our outgoing activities to a bare minimum. The COVID-19 pandemic forced people...
It is always interesting to see artists perform a radically different role than the kind they usually play. Game of Thrones had a host of amazing...