Matt Smith has been currently in the news for quite some time, primarily due to the leaks from the set of House of The Dragon. He...
Game of Thrones features many legendary beasts, ranging from the fire-breathing dragons to the nigh extinct direwolves of the North. There was one who played a...
Game of Thrones’ Hafthor Björnsson (The Mountain) and Eddie Hall have been long-time rivals now, ever since they faced each other in the World’s Strongest Man championship. Their upcoming...
A show like Game of Thrones doesn’t simply reach the stature it did without everything being high class. An area where the show truly held its...
The horrors of the COVID-19 pandemic don’t seem to end. The world has been suffering since the Red Wedding year 2020, and with the recent omicron...
As the world is struggling to resume its day-to-day activities amidst the prevailing coronavirus situation, most projects in the development phase are either at a standstill...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is moving fast with its production, and we can expect a spring release in 2022. Most of the main characters...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is one of the high-priority projects at HBO currently. The production is moving swiftly despite hitting some minor obstacles along...
Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin is one of the most accomplished writers of recent times. The success of the TV adaptation of his novels increased his...
Game of Thrones’ cast included a great number of actors and actresses who can be described as the most down-to-earth celebrities. Jason Momoa, who played Khal Drogo, is definitely...